Sunday, October 20, 2013

Heroes Haven

After getting back from a quick trip to Georgia on Monday, getting stuff taken care of for the Jeep on Tuesday, getting the windshield fixed and cutting through red tape on Wednesday morning/afternoon, we set out for the Eastern shore of Maryland. Justin had a hunting trip there that he nearly wasn't able to go to (hence the red tape cutting), so due to changes of plans, I was bringing him instead of the recreational therapy people. I was worn out from the drive from GA and while I was happy he was getting to hunt, I wasn't so excited about tagging along. I figured Corey and I would just be in the way and bored out of our minds. I was wrong.

We met up at the gun range so that Justin could test of the rifle he'd be using for the long weekend. Once we was done, they told us we'd be escorted to the local American Legion for a lasagna dinner. We were surprised to find that we would be escorted by police and 50-100 motorcycles through a couple towns where people lined the streets waving American flags and holding signs to welcome us and the other two wounded warriors who were able to attend the trip. After the dinner, we followed our host family to their house where we would stay for the rest of the week. They didn't just treat us like guests, they treated us like family. Knowing that Justin is in a wheelchair, they had a ramp set up so that he could get into the house and other things to make the stay easier for him with his needs. We had a great time getting to know them and Corey had a great time having sword fights with Mr. Hank and chasing Mrs. Kim all over the place.

Justin got to hunt on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and managed to kill 4 does. While he was hunting Corey and I got to sleep in, relax, and hang out at the hunting lodge some. On Saturday, we went to the zoo with Kim, her sister, and her two nieces. We had plenty to do to keep us busy and enjoying ourselves while Justin spent time in the woods. We definitely ate very well during our time in Sharptown, MD. Between two different American Legion posts and the hunting lodge, we were shown so much hospitality and generosity. They welcomed us as honored guests and we left as part of their community.

On our last night there, they held a banquet to recognize everyone who helped make our awesome week possible and to honor Justin, Dustin, and Will - the three men from Walter Reed who were able to be there. They presented them all with keys to the city, plaques for lifetime memberships to the American Legion, gave them the guns that they had used for the week, and so much more. They even had a huge giftbasket full of snacks and toys for Corey. The name of their organization is Heroes Haven and it is such an accurate name. Justin got there run down and stressed out. He left there relaxed, happy, and thankful for all these kind people did for us during the week. While he was worn out by the end of every day (and sometimes long before the end of the day lol), it was from doing something he loves rather than a crazy schedule of appointments and meetings. He fell into bed at night relaxed and excited for the next day.

Before we left this morning after the farewell breakfast, so many people told us we were welcomed to come back any time. We can't wait to take them up on it. This weekend went by way too fast and even Corey kept saying how much he loved Sharptown and didn't want to leave. We are so thankful for the opportunity for Justin (and Corey and me) to be a part of the Heroes Haven event for 2013!

Monday, October 14, 2013

4 month update

4 months ago, I was anxiously waiting for the Army travel people to tell me when I would be flying to Water Reed to meet up with Justin (who was also waiting for fly there from Germany). Tomorrow will be 4 months from the day both Justin and I got there. Tomorrow also will be the day I head back after a bunch needed weekend back home in Georgia…the first one since I left for Walter Reed. I can’t wait until we can come back down – with Justin the next time. (And yes, I probably should be packing or something productive to get ready for our road trip, but instead I’m writing this note. lol I’m always the procrastinator.) I have had so many people asking how Justin’s doing, how Corey’s doing, and how I’m doing. I’m not going to lie, I’ve cried more than once this weekend. Not because I’m sad, but because I’m overwhelmed with the love everyone has shown us. Having lived most of my life in Florida, I thought nowhere could ever feel like home like Florida does, but over the past two years, Georgia has because more than just a duty station. There are so many things people did this weekend to show how much they cared about us and each one means so much to me.

How is Justin doing? Since he’s been out of the hospital, I know I haven’t updated as much. His typical week consists of wound care three times a week, physical therapy and occupational therapy every day, and various other appointments scattered here and there. We stay pretty busy keeping up with all of them. By the time his appointments are done for the day and we’re back in the apartment, Justin’s usually worn out and falls asleep on the couch. He’s still on antibiotics for the staph infection and will continue them twice a day for the next month. Please pray that the medicine works and the infection clears up completely. His legs are still healing, so he hasn’t started the process to be fitting for prosthetics yet. The right one is looking really good and they’re going to start removing the stitches soon. The left leg isn’t healing quite as well, but wound care is keeping a close eye on it and doing what they can to promote healing. Even if it doesn’t heal up as quickly as the right, he can still get things going with the right and just use crutches. We’re hoping and praying they will clear him to bear weight on the right leg so he can start the process toward walking. Justin’s started taking adapted drivers training and has been doing very well. When Corey and I get back up to Maryland with the Jeep, we’re going to take it to be fitted with a hand controlled brake/accelerator so that Justin can drive it even without legs. Overall, Justin is doing pretty good. He’s got a lot of things coming up that he’s looking forward to and is working hard in his PT and OT so that when his legs are ready, he’ll be ready to learn to walk again.

How is Corey doing? He is a nonstop bundle of energy. Sometimes it’s hard for him to channel that energy when we have so many appointments and it’s hard for him to sit still and be quiet…as is the case with almost all kids his age. He makes friends wherever he goes and he’s got a lot of the female physical/occupational therapists wrapped around his little finger. He’s getting old enough that he can really help Justin out with getting different things and bringing them to Justin when Justin’s really exhausted. He sometimes gets really bored which causes him to act out more, but we work through it. He’s been growing like crazy and will be as tall as me before I know it. He’s also decided that (most days) he’s too old to take a nap. He loves life and doesn’t want to miss a thing. It’s hard on him being away from all his friends and his things, but he loves getting to experience new things up at Walter Reed.

How am I doing? It depends when you ask me. Some days I’m doing great. Things are looking up I feel like Wonder Woman. Other days it seems like nothing is going right, I can’t do anything right, and I just want to go home. Some days are downright frustrating and feels like for every one step forward, we take 3 or 4 steps backwards. Being around so many injured service members all day every day can be disheartening. But on the flip side, seeing men and women who have come through such severe injuries and how well they’re doing now is amazing. Missing limbs and other physical difficulties doesn’t stop them. They just find ways to adapt things so they can still do the things they love. I may not like our current situation, and I may hate having to live in a big city, but like them, I have to adapt. When I married Justin, it was for better and for worse, in sickness and in health. There was no, “unless circumstances aren’t what I like” clause, so for now, since Justin’s having to be at Walter Reed, that’s where I’ll be too. We’re in this together and he won’t be there forever. The end’s not quite in sight, but I know that it’s there, we’ll get there eventually, and then we can move on to the next phase in life…whatever that may be.

There are so many of you who have been there with us from day one with your prayers and encouragement. We really appreciate it and I know that God is answering those prayers. If you’d like to pray for some specific things, here are a few.
1)      For Justin’s antibiotics to work and completely clear up the staph infection.
2)      For continued healing of his legs so that he can start the prosthetic process.
3)      For Justin’s convalescent leave to be approved so that we can get away from Walter Reed for a bit to relax, see family and friends, and just catch a break from the hectic schedule.
4)      Safety for Corey and me as we’re driving back up to Maryland. Nice weather and light traffic would be great too.
Thank you all so much for all the love and support. It’s such an encouragement to us to know so many people are praying for us and pulling for us. Now to get back to packing and then to sleep before the long drive in the morning.

We got a visit from our youth pastor and his wife

Corey and Justin working out

Selena Gomez came for a visit. Corey has a crush now lol